Two Sides to the Coin

There's always two side to the coin.
War and peace
Fluke and fate.
Love and hate,
Black and white,
Good and evil.
Yin and Yang,

Curved forever
Joined together at the hip,
Inseparable, and yet

That's me.

That's me,
I cry,
Split down the middle.
Or am I?

I have desires,
Odd to men:-
The maternal instinct,
child rearing,
And other feeling, indistinct.

A girl's pregnant next to me,
She wants it.
Anew life that's meant to be,
But I feel
Feel what?
No, my eyes are
Chocolate brown, not emerald green.

It's that feeling
It's that needing
Inside me it's pleading
A non existent womb wants seeding
I can't have it.
Part of me wants to die.

Why, why, why, why,?
I feel like screaming-
But still
I feel like seeding
New human saplings
Make them strapping

I now see that
I kept feelings under my hat,
Even to myself
There out now,
Don't quite know how,
But I trusted this
Side of the coin
To Jenny, the sister
I never had.

She understands.
But then Jenny would:
She is a full grown whole
Of the other side of the coin

Still it wants a child,
My groin,
My stomach
Desire desires
That are much higher
Than I can ever be reaching.
I'll sleep on this,
Let my dreams do some teaching

© 1996 Michelle Kinane

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This page created on 14 March, 1998
This page was updated on 13 May, 1998

By Michelle Laura Kinane, Resident Bitchgirl, and a girl who beleives she is a piece silver currency....

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